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Crown prosecutors vote 99% in favour of strike action amid labour shortage, system 'crisis'

New Brunswick Crown prosecutors and family court Crown counsel have voted 99 per cent in favour of strike action. They have been in contract talks with the provincial government for more than a year and warn the "crisis" facing the criminal justice system is growing, due to recruitment and retention problems.

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Date de parution : 2024-05-28
Pénurie de procureurs : vers l’abandon de poursuites

Les procureurs de la Couronne craignent le pire devant la crise qui ralentit le fonctionnement du système de justice pénale au Nouveau-Brunswick. Des appels à l’aide ont été lancés depuis deux semaines.  Me Yves Duguay, vice-président de l’Association des procureurs de la Couronne du Nouveau-Brunswick et procureur à Bathurst, avoue que ça fait un moment que la situation est inquiétante.

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Date de parution : 2024-03-27
B.C. prosecutors' association raises security concerns about Vancouver courthouse following assault

The association that represents B.C.’s roughly 450 Crown prosecutors is raising safety concerns around an East Vancouver courthouse after a member was allegedly assaulted outside last week. "We’re reeling, this has really shaken us to the core to have one of our own attacked right here,” said BCCCA president Adam Dalrymple.

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Date de parution : 2024-02-05
Increased number of homicides doesn't bode well for overworked N.L. prosecutors, association says

There are 17 homicide cases before the courts in Newfoundland and Labrador, and the head of the association that represents local prosecutors says the higher-than-normal caseload will be difficult to handle.

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Date de parution : 2023-09-07
Manitoba adds 25 Crown attorneys to prosecution service amid workload issues

The Manitoba government hopes to add about two dozen more prosecutors and assistants to the prosecution service, which attorneys say has been struggling to keep up amid workload and workforce issues. Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys says province left group out of discussions.

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Date de parution : 2023-06-26
Les Leyne: Premier David Eby takes on lawyers — again

The B.C. NDP government has introduced a one-page bill that bestows the right to join a union on the 350 lawyers who work for government. There’s a catch. It herds them into a union the government prefers, the Professional Employees Association, rather than allowing them to form their own.

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Date de parution : 2023-05-06

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Statement by the Commonwealth Lawyers Association on the attack on Ukraine



The CLA condemns the brutal, unjustified and unlawful invasion of Ukraine by the Russian State.


International Law is clear. The brutal and unprovoked attack on the Ukraine breaches fundamental principles of international law. The loss of life and damage to property and infrastructure are appalling and a humanitarian outrage. 


We, as an organisation and as individuals, stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.


The world has rightly condemned the actions of Russia and the CLA joins the UN in calling for Russia to “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.” 


Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA)

3rd March 2022 



NOTE TO EDITORS: The Commonwealth Lawyers Association is an international non-profit organisation which exists to promote and maintain the rule of law throughout the Commonwealth by ensuring that an independent and efficient legal profession, with the highest standards of ethics and integrity, serves the people of the Commonwealth. commonwealthlawyers.com

