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Crown attorneys call on Manitoba government to help address ‘dangerously heavy caseloads’

The Manitoba Association of Crown Attorneys (MACA) is calling on the provincial government to help reduce mounting workloads that it says are making it difficult for prosecutors to meet their professional responsibilities.  grievance it filed in April 2023.  It says the grievance it filed back in April 2023 regarding 'dangerously heavy caseloads' won't be heard by an arbitrator until October 2025. 

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Publication date : 2025-01-10
Preparing RCMP body-cam evidence for court will be monumental task, prosecutor says

The RCMP is phasing-in the use of body-worn cameras across the country and expects 90 per cent of frontline members to be wearing them within a year.  Shara Munn, president of the New Brunswick Crown Prosecutors Association, said while the body-camera evidence will be great to have, it will also mean a huge influx of work for prosecutors.

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Publication date : 2025-01-06
N.L. government invests in 18 new Crown attorneys amid severe staffing crunch

Newfoundland and Labrador Justice Minister Bernard Davis announced Wednesday afternoon that the provincial government is investing nearly $24 million to improve the province's justice system.... The investment comes after CBC News reported in numerous stories that Crown attorneys in the province were "suffocating" from overwhelming workloads and a critical staffing shortage.

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Publication date : 2024-11-14
Newfoundland to add more Crown prosecutors

Newfoundland and Labrador has agreed to hire more Crown lawyers following cries of a shortage of prosecutors in the province. The “multi-year investment” will include the hiring of 18 new Crown lawyers, according to a news release.

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Publication date : 2024-11-13
Critical shortage of Crown attorneys has ‘gone on way too long’ and is hurting public safety

The Canadian Association of Crown Counsel, an umbrella group for thousands of Crown attorneys and government lawyers across the country is calling for a big boost in the number of provincial prosecutors in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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Publication date : 2024-11-13
Most criminal cases in Ontario now ending before charges are tested at trial

More than half of the criminal charges laid by police in Ontario never make it to trial, according to data from Statistics Canada. The numbers paint a troubling picture of the province’s justice system.  More judges, staff, prosecutors and courtrooms needed, says Crown attorneys’ association.

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Publication date : 2024-11-12

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Hundreds of Calgarians charged with crimes walk free due to lack of prosecutors


For more than a year, one to three full days of low complexity cases set for trial have been stayed by the Crown because there aren't enough prosecutors to staff courtrooms. (Meghan Grant/CBC)


Hundreds of people accused of committing crimes in Calgary have walked away from their charges in the past year because there aren't enough prosecutors to run trials, CBC News has learned.

Every week, an average of one full day of low-complexity trials are stayed, but there have been weeks when prosecutors are dumping up to three days' worth of cases.

The numbers come from the Alberta Crown Attorneys' Association (ACAA).

Most recently, all cases set for Monday in Courtroom 507 were stayed by the Crown. 

Low complexity cases are matters that take less than half a day for trial and can include charges of theft, assault, shoplifting and mischief, as well as breaches.

"I fully support the decisions that were made in these cases," said Eric Tolppanen, assistant deputy minister with Alberta Crown Prosecution Service, Justice and Solicitor General.

Tolppanen says the current situation is a reflection of the gap between the number of prosecutors and the number of viable charges laid by police.

"These decisions are required in order to ensure that currently available resources remain focused on serious and violent crime."


'Longstanding problem'

Alberta prosecutors have the highest caseload in the country behind Saskatchewan and more hires are desperately needed, according to the ACAA.

The assistant chief Crown for the low complexity unit will look at the schedule for Courtrooms 506 and 507 a week or two in advance.

Often, there are no prosecutors to send to court on a given day, which results in letters being sent to defence lawyers advising that charges against their clients have been dropped.

There are on average six trial days set per week for low complexity matters, which are run out of two courtrooms. Each day, three to eight trials are scheduled with an average of five taking place.

"We don't have enough prosecutors to staff all the courtrooms," said Matthew Block with the ACAA. "This is a longstanding problem."

There is a 17 to 50 per cent chance an accused person facing trial on low complexity charges will see their charges dropped.


Alberta's extreme caseload

That means as defence lawyers learn of these types of stays, they're more likely to book a trial that will increase backlog and the frequency with which charges will be dropped.

The only solution is to hire more prosecutors, says Block.

About 350 prosecutors are employed in Alberta. Calgary General Prosecutions has 66 prosecutors. 

With 309 people charged per prosecutor, Alberta's ratio is the highest behind Saskatchewan.

For comparison, Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia prosecutors handle an average of 193, 175 and 121 persons charged, respectively.


50 new prosecutors promised: UCP

The province hasn't been hiring prosecutors at a rate to keep up with an increase in the number of charges, the complexity of charges and population, according to the association.

"At a certain point, things have to give, and there's all sorts of these areas that are giving, in the prosecution service overall," said Block. "This just happens to be a very noticeable one."

Generally, there are two reasons a prosecutor will stay a charge — when there is no reasonable likelihood of conviction or if there is no public interest in pursuing a prosecution. In this case, though, the charges have been screened for trial and are considered viable. 

Prosecutors are already triaging their cases to alleviate backlog and ensure the most serious crimes make it to trial after a 2016 Supreme Court of Canada decision put hard deadlines on how long cases could take to be tried.

Individual prosecutors are expected to triage their own caseload, which is a separate issue when an entire day of trials is stayed. 

During his election campaign, Premier Jason Kenney said he would hire 50 new prosecutors if elected, a commitment he reiterated on Tuesday after this story was originally published. 

"We will provide our justice system with the tools and resources necessary — including an additional 50 prosecutors and support staff — to ensure Albertans have a fairer, faster and more responsive justice system," said Jonah Mozeson, a spokesperson for Justice Minister Doug Schweitzer.

The government could not provide more information on when those hires might happen.